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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1856-1857-78

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7S GENERAL LITERATURE AND SCIENCE ment of knowledge Medicine and Surgery included which may serve to qualify them for the discharge of their important office with stipend of 251 a-year each in aid of their main- tenance so long as their studies shall be continued in the College and their conduct be approved by the Principal The Certificate of the Principal will be dependent on their passing the final Examination in the Theological Department Security is required from the friends of these Scholars for the purpose of insuring their proceeding as Missionaries to the East when their education shall be completed at which time application is made to the Society for Propagating the Gospel in Foreign Parts or to the Church Missionary Society to send them out as Missionaries on their Establishment No one can be admitted Scholar upon this foundation under eighteen years of age and the Scholarship is tenable during four years Jjtrpfien nS0to1nrnt Sir George Stephen has presented to the College sum of Fifty Guineas which is invested in the Public Funds The Annual Interest is to be given in Books for the best English Essay on such subject as shall be fixed by the Principal This prize is open to all Matriculated Students of the Col- lege not being Associates and not belonging to the Theological Department Cfte 0rinripal'8 Urife The Rev Jelf Principal gives annually one Prize of the value of 21 2s in books for the best Latin Verse Composition or Translation This prize is open to all Matriculated Students of the College not being Associates and not belonging to the Theological Department yinmptrr firijce The Rev Edward Hayes Plumptre Fellow of Brasenose College Oxford formerly Student of and now Chaplain and
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