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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1856-1857-49

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ANNUAL REPORT APRIL 1856 40 charge upon the emoluments of the whole body of gentlemen engaged within the College the Council earnestly hope that they may ere long be in position to discontinue charge Avhich although most kindly acceded to by all yet is felt by very many to be heavy tax upon their industry The re- ceipts from every Department except one have been less this year than in 1854 chiefly it is believed from the effects of the war in giving employment to so many of the actual Stu- dents of the College and in preventing by the pressure of its taxes many new Students from joining The extraordi- nary income also of 1855 viz that derived from Legacies and Donations was less than that of 1854 by 350 But on the other hand the expenses have been so carefully watched that they have decreased in even greater proportion than the income and the Council indulge strong hope that with the return of peace the College may receive large accession of Pupils and of Revenue During the last year the Council have received intimation of legacy from the late Mr James Messenger The amount is uncertain being portion of his Residuary Estate but it is believed it will be about 150 It is now time to bring to close this general summary of the proceedings of year which completes the period of quarter of century during which the operations of the College have been in active progress The Court of Proprietors will cordially unite with the Council in the feeling of devout thankfulness towards the Giver of all good gifts with which the retrospect of the whole period and of every part of it has impressed them They see no reason to doubt that by steadily keeping in view the designs of its founders the College which has thus far been enabled by the Divine favour to take its place among the chief seats of learning in the country may under the protec- tion of the same good Providence be permitted to endure through many centuries to come as standing witness to the compatibility of continued progress in all sound secular learning with the inculcation of true religious principles and the maintenance of all saving truth
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