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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1856-1857-48

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IS annual report april 1856 affairs of the College and by all who have its welfare at heart The vacancy thus created in the Council has been filled up in manner most gratifying to all the friends of the College The Court of Proprietors will learn with the utmost satisfac- tion that his Royal Highness the Duke of Cambridge has been graciously pleased to condescend to the request of his Grace the Visitor and to allow his name to be placed upon the list of Life Governors The following additional Proprietors of the College have since the date of the last Report converted each one Share into Donation that is whilst retaining all their other privi- leges they have for the future permanent benefit of the Insti- tution given up all right to any Dividend should the College be ever in position to declare one His Royal Highness the Duke of Cambridge The Right Honourable the Earl of Carnarvon The Honourable and Reverend Duncombe The Honourable George Waldegrave Frederick Waymouth Gibbs Esq Reverend Ε Plumptre Robert Smith Esq Henry William Watson Esq Charles Henry Pearson Esq Egerton Vernon Harcourt Esq The Council beg leave respectfully to call the attention of the Court to the great benefits which may ultimately accrue to the Corporation if the examples thus recorded should be generally followed The Shareholders who have already kindly adopted this plan have thus far relieved the Corporation from liabilities which amount to 15 100 See page 286 The Council are happy to have it in their power to report that the Accounts for the past year show considerable balance of Receipts over Expenditure and that the liabilities of the College are decreased by 508 17 7d This result is due in part to the per centage which as mentioned in preceding Report the Council had with much regret felt it necessary to
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