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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1856-1857-46

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16 ANNUAL REPORT APRIL 1856 the several classes which he has held and he bears testimony in warm and well-deserved terms to the conscientiousness and ability with which the Assistant Masters discharge the trusts committed to them In particular be calls attention to the untiring zeal energy and ability of the Vice-Master the Rev Fearnley especially in reference to his peculiar province the Division of Modern Instruction -a division which without superseding the Division of Classics and Mathematics has earned for itself the confidence of many parents whose sons have been enabled thereby to obtain and to fill various posi- tions in active life Professor Brasseur having to the great regret of the Council resigned the portion of his duties connected with the School Auguste Thibaudin has succeeded to the post of First French Master and the place vacated by Thibau- din's promotion has been conferred on Leonce Stievenard Mr Charles Tomlinson for many years intimately connected with the College has been elected Lecturer on Natural Science in King's College School The following Honours have been gained by former Pupils of the School AT OXFORD James William Sheppard First Class in Classics James Edward Thompson First Cla88 in CIa3si0s derations Edgar Hutchinson Little Scholar of Brasenose Frederick Millard Charles Paul Cabban Sch01ars of Queen'8 AT CAMBRIDGE Charles Baron Clarke Third Wrangler Henry Fawcett Seventh Wrangler John Meek Clark Twenty-eighth Wrangler Henry Ware Fellow of Trinity Daniel Jones ו Edgar Summers Scholars of Trinity George Parker Bidder Alfred Davies Sch01ars י Alexander Greet
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