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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1856-1857-45

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ANNUAL REPORT APRIL 1856 45 consulting the Professors and obtaining from many of them the promise of their co-operation and all the necessary arrange- ments being completed for lighting up the Libraries as well as sufficient number of Lecture-room3 several courses of Lectures at comparatively low fees for each subject were opened and continued between o'clock and in the evening during five months from October till Easter comprising the following subjects viz -the Old Testament the New Testa- ment Greek Latin French German English History Geo- graphy Mathematics Arithmetic Commerce Drawing and Chemistry The result of the measure was at once so sue- cessful as to justify the hope that similar courses may be per- manently established to the great advantage of the College as well as of the classes of society which have thus for the first time been brought within the range of collegiate influence The total number of entrances was 212 many of the applicants already holding clerkships in Government offices or intending to be candidates for such appointments in future The number of distinct classes to which these 212 gentlemen entered was 401 The Council learn with pleasure that in point of punctual attendance diligence and decorous conduct the Evening Classes will bear comparison with any other classes in the College It is fact of some significance that the Old Testa- ment and the New Testament were amongst the most attrac- tive subjects and that in those subjects as well as in others several of the Students passed voluntary examination in highly creditable manner It should be added that the ex- penses of fitting up the class-rooms and of extra attendance of servants have been entirely defrayed out of the College portion of the fees King's College School is again entitled to occupy its usual high position in the Annual Report The general character of the Pupils for decorum regularity and industry has been perfectly satisfactory Dr Major the able and in- defatigable Head Master gives good report of the profi- ciency evinced by the Pupils in the periodical examinations of
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