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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1856-1857-43

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ANNUAL REPORT APRIL 1856 43 Examination for Classics at Matriculation Mr Richard Whit- field Hewlett of this Department stood first The lamented death of Mr John Eddowes Bowman having created vacancy in the Professorship of Practical Chemistry this post has been conferred on Mr Charles Loudon Bloxam Demonstrator of Chemistry whilst the office thus vacated has been entrusted to Mr Edward Ash Hadow former distin- guished Pupil of the College and Scholar on the Daniell Foundation King's College Hospital has pursued an even course of eminent usefulness bounded only by the extent of its means throughout the past year Of the zeal for the welfare of the Institution as public charity evinced by Sambrooke Esq Vice-Chairman for the last two years and by the Com- mittee of Management and of the cordial co-operation of that body with the Council in all that affects the Medical School of the College it is impossible for the Council to say too much or for the Court to think too highly The Committee have lately upon the suggestion of the Council fitted up eighteen additional beds six placed at the disposal of Dr Arthur Farre the distinguished Physician for diseases peculiar to women and twelve assigned to William Bowman Esq for the use of patients requiring surgical assistance Both of these additions are felt to be of great value to the College as Medical School and the latter has enabled the Council to promote Mr Bowman to be full Surgeon to the Hospital after having held the inferior office of Assistant Surgeon since 1840 to the cordial satisfaction of the College and Hospital The Council cannot refrain from expressing their feeling that the cordial thanks of all the friends of this charity are due in remarkable degree to Professors Fergusson and Partridge Doctors Budd and Todd as well as to all the gen- tlemen connected with the Out-Patient Department for their long-continued and very distinguished services to the Hospital Other changes of importance in the Hospital staff have during this present week been completed and are as follows Mr Henry Lee is promoted to the rank of Surgeon with the care of Out-Patients
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