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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1856-1857-429

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430 LIST OP WORKS ETC BY WILLIAM FERGUSSON System of Practical Surgery 10 6d BY GUY Dr Hooper's Physician's Vade-Mecum or Manual of the Principles and Practice of Physic 10 Principles of Forensic Medicine 10s 6d BY THOMAS BYMEE JONES General Outline of the Animal Kingdom and Manual of Com- parative Anatomy 11 18s Natural History of Animals 12 BY JOHN SIMON ESQ Physiological Essay on the Thymus Gland being that to which was awarded the first Triennial Prize under the Endowment of the late Sir Astley Cooper BY THOMAS BELL Diseases of the Teeth 14 History of British Quadrupeds 1Z 8s ----Reptiles 11 5s 6d BY HENRY LEE ESQ The Jacksonian Prize Essay on Purulent Deposits Pathological and Surgical Observations BY THIBAUDIN Le Dictionnaire de tous les Verbes conjuguSs Roy 8vo 6s 6d New System of French Pronunciation In Κ umbers at 6d Hamel's New Universal French Grammar Edited by Thibaudin Hamel's French Exercises Edited by Thibaudin BY LEONE LEVI ESQ Commercial Law of the World vols 4to 61 Manual of Mercantile Law of the United Kingdom 12s clay printer bread street hili
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