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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1856-1857-426

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Page content

LIST OF WORKS ETC 427 BY BEV MAJOR Outline Scripture-Maps Palestine the Journeys of the Israelites the Travels of St Paul and Jerusalem With the Key 38 BY BEV BICHAED JONES Essays on the Distribution of Wealth 6d Observations on Medical Education 4s BY JAMES HANN ESQ Treatise on the Steam Engine Mechanics for Practical Men Theory of Bridges Nautical Tables Theoretical and Practical Mechanics Plane Trigonometry Spherical Trigonometry Examples on Integral Calculus Analytical Geometry BY GEOEGE HUTTON ESQ Manual of Arithmetic Principles of Arithmetic BY ANSTED Geologist's Text Book 6d Geology Introductory Descriptive and Practical Two Vols 11 Is The Ancient World 12 The Gold Seeker's Manual 3s 6d Elementary Course of Geology Mineralogy and Physical Geo- graphy 12s BY JAMES TENNANT ESQ Stratigraphical List of British Fossils 2s 6d BY ADOLPHUS BEENAYS PH German Grammar 5s ---Exercises adapted to the Grammar 5s 6d --Examples forming Key to the Exercises 3s --Header Selections from Popular Writers with Translations and Notes for Beginners 5s --Historical Anthology 5s -Poetical Anthology Is Word Book Comparative Vocabulary displaying the Close Affinity between the English and German Lan- guages 8s
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