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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1856-1857-42

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12 ANNUAL REPORT APRIL 1856 In the Medical Department the same causes which were in operation at the date of the last Report have continued to prevent return to the normal state of things The Medical School however has suffered less diminution in point of numbers than would be in proportion to the total number of Students registered as in attendance at the several Metropo- litan Schools In the meantime there is no falling off in the moral or intellectual qualities which have hitherto charac- terised the Medical Students of King's College The Council have received from the Dean of the Department most favourable report of the diligence and good conduct which have distinguished the several classes and from the Principal and the Chaplain most gratifying assurance of continued proficiency in the Divinity Examinations and of undiminished punctuality of attendance at the College Chapel The Students have obtained much distinction at examinations held beyond the walls of the College At the Examination held by the Examiners appointed by the Board of Commissioners for the Affairs of India in January last several Candidates from King's College succeeded in obtainingappointments and many occupied high places in the list Mr Edmund Darby Matriculated Student of King's College being first Similar success attended the efforts of Students of King's College in the Examination held July 16th 1855 when all the Candidates from King's College received appointments At the Examinations for the degrees of and at the University of London Students of the College also greatly distinguished themselves At the Second Examination for the Degree of Mr Charles Pardey formerly very distinguished Student of the College obtained the Gold Medal in Physiology and Comparative Anatomy and the first place in Midwifery and Mr David Conway Evans recently elected Officer of Health to the Strand District Scholarship and Gold Medal in Medicine whilst in Surgery Messrs Charles Pardey and James Howard Thornton took Honours In the Examination for Dr Frederick Head- land Dr Jordan Dr David Henry Monckton and Dr Henry Silvester sustained the reputation of the College At the
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