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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1856-1857-417

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Page content

INDEX page Anatomy- Lectures 119 Fees HI Hours of Attendance 144 Annual Report 1856 35 Applied Sciences Department- Professors' Names 92 Instruction given 93-99 Regulations respecting Stu- dents 102 Associateship Rules for the 103 Fees 104 Hours of Attendance 106 Scholarships Rules for 107 Subjects for 1857 109 Prizes 110 Certificates of Approval and Honour Ill Scholars'Names 112 Prizemen for 1856 114 Names of Students 115 Arabic- Fees 74 Hours of Attendance 75 Army Medical Service 192 Arts of Construction- Lectures 94 Fees 105 Hours of Attendance 106 Associates Privileges of 273 Names of 273 Associateship Rules for the- Theological Department 60 Department of General Lite- rature and Science 73 Department of the Applied Sciences 103 PAGE Associateship Rules for the- Medical Department H5 Military Department 201 Auditors for 1856 19 Bequest Form of 51 Books by Professors &c 42s Book-keeping 245 Botany- Lectures 112 Fees 141 Hours of Attendance 144 Candidates Class of Theological 60 Chemical Laboratory 135 Chemistry Practical- Instruction given 98 122 Fees 105 141 Hours of Attendance 144 Chemistry- Department of Applied Sci- ences Lectures 97 Fees 105 Hours of Attendance 106 Medical Depart Lectures 120 Fees 141 Hours of Attendance 144 Chemistry Analytical &c Instruction given 123 Fees 141 Chinese Professorship- Fees Γ4 Hours of Attendance 75 Choral Exhibitioners 226 Classical Literature- Lectures 68 75 243 Fees 74 Hours of Attendance 75
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