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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1856-1857-415

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416 THE SCHOOL If ABCD be rectangle and BF be drawn to the diagonal AC EG and EF to CD and AD then shall EG EF AC 10 To inscribe an equilateral and equiangular pentagon in given circle 11 Prove that the area of the pentagon area of the triangle χ Γ 12 straight line AD is divided into three parts AB BC CD so that from point they appear of the same magnitude find the position of the point II -aigtbra Explain the following extract from the Times -"The quotation of gold at Paris is mille discount which the par of exchange being 25 17 gives an exchange of 25 095 and the exchange at Paris on London at short being 25 it follows that gold is about 38 per cent dearer in Paris than in Loudon Solve the equations- χ x3 y3 a'ix c2 -y Prove that- 5- 7i 2y2 3-2 5-4 Find the ratios of to when z6 2z v' ζ3ν3 z'v 6ע Sum &c to η terms and to infinity and 24 -f 34 &c to terms If a3 σ5 &c where x-x a3 χ3- 8how that If χ au סל and dv then β' δ ai c£
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