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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1856-1857-387

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388 MEDICAL DEPARTMENT Describe briefly the most important modifications of gland structure met with in the human body and give examples Describe the process of deglutition and state what nerves are concerned in the operation What parts are seen in thin section of the skin of the tip of the finger under power of 200 diameters Mention the chief points to be noticed in the microscopical preparations marked when examined with power of about 40 diameters an inch Answers to these questions may be illustrated with sketches III -CJjemfetn What is the difference between simple and double refrac- tion of light State the ordinary law of refraction What classes of bodies are those which produce double refraction Explain and exemplify what is meant by coloured circular polarization Έ Apply Ohm's formula to the case of simple Voltaic circuit and explain particularly what are the resistances which Voltaic current has ordinarily to overcome Describe the construction of Deluc's Pile mention some of its properties and show its analogy with Volta's Pile What is an astatic galvanometer Explain the relation between starch gum cane sugar and grape sugar What is the action of Nitric Acid upon those bodies Sketch the theory of Etherification What is Strychnia Describe the mode of preparing it and the tests of its presence Give the formula for Lactic Acid Describe its general characters How may it be procured 10 Give the formula for Urea and Uric Acid By what tests may each of these substances be distinguished What is
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