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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1856-1857-386

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MEDICAL DEPARTMENT 387 What fissures holes grooves or canals pits and fossae are to be found in the orbit Where are they situated and by what bone or bones are they formed What checks flexion and what extension of the knee- joint Enumerate the muscles of the upper extremity including those of the shoulder and state by what nerve or nerves each muscle is supplied Describe the course of the trunk of the internal Maxillary Artery from its origin to its termination Describe briefly the course and distribution of the branches of the inferior Maxillary Nerve In what physiological respect does this division of the 5th nerve differ from the others 10 How many superficial Petrosal Nerves are there and what are the connexions of each 11 What are the boundaries of the external abdominal ring 12 What are the boundaries of the internal femoral ring 13 Describe the Popliteal Artery and its relative situation 14 What are the tonsils and what their relative situation Mem Read over all the questions carefully before you answer any don't answer questions you are not asked write plainly arrange your answers methodically and write each question at the head of its respective answer II $i sioIog1 What tissues of the body yield albumen and what tissues yield gelatine Give the Aemical character of these two sub- stances and state what offices they perform in the animal economy How is the compact tissue of long bone removed and regenerated What changes are effected in fatty and starchy substances by the saliva and pancreatic fluid and under what circumstances do they occur Β Β
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