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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1856-1857-385

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886 MEDICAL DEPARTMENT Trace the various effects of persisting impediment to the course of the blood through the Chest What is understood by the term Anaemia What are the causes and the most common effects of this condition How do the symptoms of Inflammation of the Brain differ from those of Cerebral Hemorrhage from those of Delirium Tremens Describe briefly the changes in the lung that result from Tubercular disease and mention the circumstances to be espe- cially attended to in investigating case of suspected Phthisis Describe the most common varieties of Urinary Calculi What symptoms would lead to the suspicion of Calculus in the kidney and in the bladder respectively Contrast briefly the early symptoms of Scarlet Fever Measles and Small Pox Describe the characters of Eczema Impetigo and Lepra -Candidates are desired to illustrate their answers where fitting opportunity occurs by reference to cases that have been treated in the Hospital during the past year SECOND YEAR SCHOLARSHIP -Snatotro To what bones and to what parts of them is the right Palate bone united What holes canals cavities and fossae are formed entirely or in part by the Palate bones Enumerate the bones and the parts of them attached to the Os frontis between its two external angular processes What bones and what parts of them form the roof the floor the outer and the inner wall of the orbit What bones and what parts of them form the base of the orbitar cavity
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