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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1856-1857-384

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MEDICAL DEPARTMENT 385 Give an outline of the chemical changes taking place in respiration and in the maintenance of animal heat How are these processes influenced by food climate rest and exercise What do you observe by examining the preparations marked under quarter of an inch object glass From what parts of the body do you consider they have been taken and how have they been prepared Answers to these questions may be illustrated with sketches III -jTortnfitc iHrtftrtm Enumerate the Poisons whether mineral animal or vegetable which produce characteristic symptoms and state what those symptoms are Describe the Hydrostatic Test and state what indications it was formerly believed to afford and what is its present value What are the physical characters of blood-stains on linen of some years' standing and what are the tests for solution of blood in water Contrast the treatment of case of Poisoning by Prussic Acid with that of case of Poisoning by Laudanum Give the tests for Morphia IV -J&urgjrg What is the distinctive character of Erysipelas State the ordinary varieties of the disease and give the treatment for each State the distinction between Dislocations and Fractures and the practice applicable to each Give illustrations from what you have seen in the Hospital or elsewhere Describe the principal diseases of the Knee-joint and their treatment What is Caries what is Necrosis Give the treatment of these diseases and illustrate it by reference to cases which have been treated in the Hospital Describe the different kinds of Aneurism and give the treatment for each Β Β
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