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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1856-1857-382

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WARNEFORD SCHOLARSHIPS 383 ναυμαχία αυτοί καθ' αντου νενικήκατε και ναΰ ειΧήφατε οσα τε μετά των άΧΧων αήττητοι γεγονατε ημών ηγουμένων τάξιν εχοντε την κρατίστην διά τε την νμετεραν άρετην καϊ την ήμετέραν προθυ- μίαν και κατα γήν καϊ κατά θάΧατταν ΰπάρχουσαν Translate with notes and give the rule for converting dates into Olympiads and vice versa Τω δε αλλω ετει ω ην ΌΧνμπιά τρίτη καϊ ενενηκοστή η προστεθείσα ξυνωρ ενίκα Έυαγόρου 'ΉΧείου το δε στάδιον Ένβωτα Κυρηνάίο επί εφόρου μεν οντο εν Σπάρτη Έύαρχίππου άρχοντα δ' εν Αθήναι ϋϋκτήμονο Draw map of the jEgean and cost of Asia Minor marking in it only those places which are mentioned in this book and adding modern names Translate turn into Attic Greek and accentuate -Μινδαρο υπεσσουα πεινωντι τωνδρε απορεομε τι χρη δρην Describe and give the date of the battle of Arginusae and the circumstances which took place at Athens in consequence of it Explain άργυροΧογείν συκοφάντη ΰπομοσία The characters of Callicratidas and Alcibiades VIII -i&rign of tnr What were the chief parties in Queen Anne's reign What were the conditions of the Act of Union with Scot- land What were the principal causes of the war with France Give with dates short account of the battles of Blenheim Ramillies and Malplaquet Give short sketch of Stanhope's campaign of 1710 in Spain What were the respective claims of the two competitors to the Spanish crown What internal reforms were effected in Queen Anne's reign What were the conditions of the Treaty of Utrecht What were the chief incidents and results of Sacheverel's trial 10 Give short sketch of Bolingbroke's life up to 1714
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