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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1856-1857-38

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3S ANNUAL REPORT APRIL 1856 for Civil Service appointments in general which Her Majesty's Government have been pleased to introduce The Council deem it right to record tbeir opinion that the standard of merit which Her Majesty's Commissioners for the Civil Service have adopted is calculated not only to raise the character and promote the efficiency of the Public Offices but to improve the tone of education throughout the country Of the opening thus offered to talent and industry King's College London with that elastic adaptation of its system to the growing demands and varying circumstances of our times which is its chief characteristic is prepared to avail itself without hesita- tion or delay comparison of the subjects taught in this Department with the Syllabus of Examination recently put forth by the Government will show that it is in the Depart- ment of General Literature and Science that the candidate for appointments in the Civil Service particularly in the superior Public Offices will find what he requires to educate him for his future destination It is the avowed object of the College not simply to prepare for special examinations but to offer good education suited to the respective states of life to which such an examination is the first step The Council have ac- cordins ly learned with satisfaction that several of the Students who entered this Department with view to such appoint- ments propose to spend two or three years in the regular pre- scribed course of training The result of such training may not at once be apparent but there is no doubt that in the end it will produce much more abundant and mature fruit In the meantime however it is gratifying to know that Students have been found who on submitting themselves to the ordeal without previous special preparation and at the shortest notice have obtained complete success The observations which have been made with reference to Civil appointments apply with equal force to the Royal Engineers and Royal Artillery The third Examination for such appointments has been announced for Monday June 30th to be held at King's College The Syllabus issued by the War Department gives choice of subjects which are all taught in the College With the assistance and advice of the
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