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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1856-1857-375

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376 WABNEFORD SCHOLARSHIPS "The word of the Lord was precious in those days-there was no open vision What facts in the history of these Books illustrate this statemeut How far was the want supplied in the course of the period which they include Where is Jerusalem first mentioned by that name To whom did it belong during the reign of Saul When and under what circumstances did the Israelites obtain possession of it What evidence have we that the old population was not exter- minated What circumstances led the Israelites to desire king Why was it wrong in them to ask for one What evils were fore- told as sure to result from such change When were those predictions fulfilled The causes and consequences of the rebellion of Absalom- including in particular those which affected the surviving members of the house of Saul What do you know of the following persons and places in connexion with the history of these Books Jabesh Gilead- Hebron-Abner-Achish-Barzillai-Benaiah-Sheba the son of Bichri-Nob- Shiloh-Elkanab Explain the following passages in their relation to the context It is for Saul and for his bloody house because he slew the Gibeonites So the priest gave him hallowed bread She named the child Ichabod saying The glory is departed from Israel To obey is better than sacrifice and to hearken than the fat of rams II acts of tijt 9p0i$tItiS Which of the Jewish sects appears as the most active in persecuting the Church at Jerusalem What was the probable cause of its bitterness against the truth What instances of resemblance of contrast do you find in the conduct and character of St Peter before and after the Resurrection
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