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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1856-1857-373

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374 APPLIED SCIENCES By what means can the proportion of moisture present in the atmosphere he ascertained Illustrate and explain the terms Isomorphism and Dimor- phism Why is it necessary to ventilate room Upon what prin- ciple is Ventilation best effected Explain the principle upon which Hot Water is applied to the warming of buildings Describe the common Electrical Machine and explain how mitay be employed to furnish either kind of Electricity What is the action of Leyden Jar Explain the analogy between Thunder-cloud and charged Leyden Jar and state the principle upon which Lightning- rod acts and the conditions required in the construction of such conductor IV -Cljcmuitrg Mention some proofs of the compound nature of Water Describe the properties of its components and the ordinary means of procuring them in free state Describe the principal Allotropic forms of Carbon Tllus- trate Allotropy in any other cases which occur to you Specify the principal modes of procuring Carbonic Oxide giving symbols of the decompositions Sketch the general pro- perties of the gas Describe the properties composition and preparation of Hydrochloric Acid How does it act upon Soda upon Black Oxide of Manganese and upon Sesquioxide of Iron Enumerate the compounds which Nitrogen forms with Oxygen and describe the preparation and properties of Nitric Acid Mention the sources of Iodine its properties and the mode of its preparation What is Ammonia How is it obtained State the proofs of its composition What are the tests for Sulphuric and Nitric Acid How are Chlorine Iodine and Bromine distinguished when in combi- nation with metals
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