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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1856-1857-372

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APPLIED SCIENCES 373 Bfpartmtm of tije &pplt'e& fctfcnces JUNIOR SCHOLARSHIP -9Igcbra £uclto airt Crigontmrtri The questions upon these subjects were the same as those set for the Junior Mathematical Scholarship in the Department of General Literature and Science II -fHuuralogj ant eologij What is Mineral What are the principal Physical Characters of Minerals Name the forms belonging to the cubical system and give list of Minerals belonging to it What is the most general acceptation in Geology of the term Rock Name the three great classes or sections into which rocks may be divided State the manner in which you consider these rocks to have been formed whether chemically or mechanically and your reasons In examining geologically country how would you proceed in order to arrange systematically the result of your observations State some of the most important recognised formations by name and the fossils which characterise them Give examples of the practical value of Geology and Mineralogy III -£tymi1Stvt Give proofs of the pressure and weight of the air Describe the method of drying gas and explain the prin- ciple of the operation
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