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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1856-1857-37

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37 education for that class of Students who are intended for the learned professions has of late been enabled by circum- stances to extend its operations in other directions and to prepare young men for other and equally important callings But at no time have the Council or the Professors lost sight of its original object-that of cultivating those studies which are the characteristics of the old English seats of learning and they are happy to state that the present year has again added to the distinctions which have been won by former Students when transferred to the Universities At the University of Oxford Mr Francis Edward Thompson was placed in the First Class and Mr Walter William Hop- wood in the Second Class in Classics at the First Public Ex- amination under Moderators -an Examination in which accu- rate and elegant Scholarship has the greatest weight and one Student Mr Henry Le Poer Wynne gained Scholarship at Oriel College At the University of Cambridge Mr Horace William Smith formerly of this Department was bracketed 3rd Wrangler in the Mathematical Tripos with Mr Charles Baron Clarke late Pupil of King's College School Messrs Henry Fawcett Ben- jamin Theophilus Moore and Rolla Charles Meadows Rouse were respectively 7th 8th and 10th Wranglers while Messrs James Pierce and Thomas Henry Candy were 16th and 27th in the same list Mr Henry Ware has been elected Fellow of Trinity and three former Students of this Department Messrs Edward Ernest Bowen Henry Martyn Thelwall and Robert James Donne have been elected Scholars of Trinity In the Examination of the University of London Mr Thomas Stebbing was elected to the Scholarship and Messrs James Heath and William Meymott Tidy were placed in the First Class in Classics and Mr Heath also took Honours in Mathematics The arrangements which were announced last year as made in the Department of General Literature and Science with special reference to the Examinations for the Civil Service of the Honourable East India Company have been found to be equally adapted to the more extended scheme of examinations
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