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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1856-1857-362

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GENERAL LITERATURE AND SCIENCE 363 Thou with fresh hope the lover's heart dost fill While the jolly hours lead on propitious May Thy liquid notes that close the eye of day First heard before the shallow cuckoo's bill Portend success in love oh if Jove's will Have link'd that amorous power to thy soft lay Now timely sing ere the rude bird of hate Foretell my hopeless doom in some grove nigh As thou from year to year hast sung too late For my relief yet hadst no reason why Whether the Muse or Love call thee his mate Both them serve and of their train am Milton JUNIOR CLASSICAL SCHOLARSHIP -Si&j an& UFtrgtl Translate Sed et helium Volscum imminebat et civitas secum ipsa discors intestino inter Patres plebemque flagrabat odio maxime propter nexos ob aes alienum Fremebant se oris pro libertate et imperio dimicantes domi civibus eaptos et oppressos esse tutio- remque in hello quam in pace et inter hostes quam inter cives libertatem plebis esse invidiamque earn sua sponte gliscentem insignis unius calamitas accendit Magno natu quidam cum omnium malorum suorum insignibus se in forum projecit Obsita erat squalore vestis foedior corporis habitus pallore ac macie perempti Ad hoc prolixa barba et capilli efferaverant speciem oris Noscitabatur tamen in tanta deformitate et ordines dux- isse aiebant aliaque militiae decora vulgo miserantes eum jactabant Ipse testes honestarum aliquot locis pugnarum cica- trices adverso pectore ostentabat Sciscitantibus unde ille habi- tus unde deformitas quum circumfusa turba esset prope in concionis modum Sabino bello ait se militantem quia propter populationes agri non fructu modo caruerit sed villa incensa fuerit
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