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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1856-1857-36

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β ANNUAL REPORT APRIL 1856 is nearly the same as it was at the date of the last Report as is likewise the number of Certificated Students who have been sent forth during the past year duly qualified to become Can- didates for Holy Orders The total number of Students so qualified in the course of eight years is 184 The Council rejoice to learn that His Grace the Visitor and the Bishops as well as their Examining Chaplains continue to express their unqualified approbation of the results of the training which each Student receives No difficulty is experienced in procuring titles to Orders for as many Students as obtain the Principal's Certificate Some of the earlier Students have been presented to Livings in recognition of their efficient ser- vices in parochial work The Department of General Literature and Science in consequence of the improvements introduced in its orga- nization during the last two years has reached state of efficiency beyond all former precedent The Professorship of English Literature and Modern History which had been hitherto somewhat incongruously united in the hands of one Professor is now divided between two and the result of this division of labour is at once apparent in the more systematic training both general and special in each of these subjects Every Student of this Department has now the advantage of studying the English Language and Literature under Pro- fessor Brewer and Modern History" under Professor Pear- son By better distribution of the time-table these im- provements have been made compatible with undiminished attention to Classical Literature and Mathematics under the invaluable tuition of Professor Browne and Professor Hall aided by their able Lecturers respectively as well as with increased facilities for learning both French and German The Principal gives it as his decided opinion that the Students of this Department under the influence of these arrangements have been regular industrious and well-behaved in an un- precedented degree This Department founded at the opening of the College for the special purpose of providing sound and religious
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