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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1856-1857-354

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SCHOLARSHIP FOR MODERN HISTORY ETC 355 Give the dates and principal events of the campaigns in Saxony What were their immediate consequences What change in the social condition of his subject popula- tion north of the Alps is effected during Charlemagne's reign What are Charlemagne's relations to the See of Rome What were the most important decrees of the Council of Frankfort How did Charlemagne promote the intellectual activity of his time What are the characteristics of Charlemagne's legislation Give character of Charlemagne distinguishing the legendary from the historical hero 10 Mark out on the map the limits of Charlemagne's empire and add the names of the chief provinces and cities II -jiorman Conquest State the titles of the different claimants of the English crown on the death of Edward the Confessor What was the character of the Anglo-Saxons under Edward the Confessor What was the state of Normandy under William the Con- queror before his invasion of England Describe the battle of Hastings Mark the different stages in the conquest of England and account for the greater difficulty experienced in the reduction of the Northern and Eastern counties What elements of the feudal system existed in England before the coming of the Normans What were the characteristics of English feudalism under William the Conqueror and William Rufus What changes were introduced into the administration of justice by the Conqueror Give life of Lanfranc 10 Describe generally the relative positions of the conquered and conquering populations in England
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