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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1856-1857-352

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DIVINITY SCHOLARSHIP 353 From what passages of the Old Testament do we gather the time and order of the ripening of the different crops in Palestine Give from the narratives of the Gospels full and con- nected account of the calling of St Peter and St John In what instances does Blunt allege the testimony of Jose- phus as confirming the history of the Bible -3aobertSon'S &Μφϋ of Cljurdj t'sitorg Trace briefly the progress of Missionary enterprise during the first six centuries What were the immediate the ultimate effect on the constitution and character of the Church Of the conversion of Constantine Of the conversion of the Barbarians Compare the worship of Christians as it was in the first century with its condition in the sixth What loss or gain did the changes involve What errors and schisms of the Church arose Out of speculations on the Divine and Human Natures of our Lord Out of theories as to the discipline and organization of the Church State briefly the characteristic opinions of each of them The Monastic life In what did it originate Describe the rules which governed it in Egypt What good and what evil rose out of it Give the dates of the following events The Martyrdom of Cyprian-Council of Nicasa-the Death of Julian-the Baptism of Augustine-the Condemnation of Pelagianism-the Conver- sion of the Saxons Explain the following terms clinical baptism-acolyths- love-feast-circumcellions-patriarch-lapsed ζ
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