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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1856-1857-350

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DIVINITY SCHOLARSHIP 351 II -Cije Jfivtt ptstle to ti Conntfjtana State briefly in tbe order in which he treats of them the chief facts in the position of the Corinthian Church as they bad come to the knowledge of St Paul at the time of his writing the Epistle Enumerate the spiritual gifts mentioned by St Paul De- scribe the nature of each and give the rules which St Paul lays down for the right use of them What were probably the characteristics of the parties into which the Church of Corinth was divided W'hat principle guided St Paul in giving rules for the social life of his converts What was the application of this principle to the question of slavery What was the nature of the objections to the doctrine of Resurrection which St Paul encountered at Corinth Give brief analysis of his answer to them Translate the following passages-explain them in their relation to the context ΒΧεπομεν yap άρτι δι Ισόπτρου εν αινίγματι τότε δε πρόσωπον προ πρόσωπον" αρτι γινωσκω εκ μίρου Tore δε επιγνωσομαι καθώς και επεγνωσθην Εί κατά ανθρωπον εθηριομάχησα εν Έφεσω τι μοι το οφελο εΐ vtKpol ουκ εγείρονται Φάγωμεν και π'ιωμεν ανριον yap άποθνήσκομεν Ύί yap οϊδεν ανθρώπων τά τον άνθρωπου εΐ μη το πνεύμα του άνθρωπου το εν αντω οϋτω κα τά τον θεοΰ ονδει οϊδεν εΐ μή τό Ιίνεΰμα του θεοΰ Έν άτόμω εν ριπη οφθαλμού εν τη εσχάτη σάλπιγγι' σαλπίσει yap και 01 νεκροί εγερθήσονται άφθαρτοι και ήμεΐ άΧλαγησόμεθα Βιωτικά μεν ουν κριτήρια εάν εχητε του εξουθενημέ- νου εν τη εκκλησία τούτου καθίζετε Give the meaning and derivation of the following words επιθανάτιου -νπωπιάζω-ανάθεμα-φιμώσει -περικαθάρματα -άστατονμεν-άπολύτρωσι -μυστήριον
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