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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1856-1857-346

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THEOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT 347 "Έ σται yap καιρός ore της νγιαινούση ΒώασκαΧίας ουκ άνεζονται αλλά κατα ras επιθυμίας τας ιδίας εαντοϊς επισωρείσονσι &ώασκά ον κνηθόμενοι την ακοήν Give the meaning and derivation of the following words πίμπασθαι-ζευκτηρίας-σνστροφήν-σννθρύπτοντε -περίίστασο -σπενΰομαι-όστράκινα-άναζωπνρειν XL- Ept Stto to tl alatian anU Ijilt'ppiansi What was the character of the Galatian false teachers How did they seek to undermine St Paul's authority Do we find any traces of them in the Acts How far were they able to appeal to the authority of James and the Church atjJeru- sal em Give the exact force of each of the works of the flesh as enumerated by St Paul Gal 19 20 Only they would that we should remember the poor Gal ii 10 What poor were these Why did they need this special remembrance Who being in the form of God thought it not robbery to be equal with God Phil ii Give an accurate statement of the theological value of these words and generally of the whole passage in which they occur Give account of the following words πιχορηγία Phil 19 άποκαραΒοκία 20 ίρίθ ια 16 ϊπισκόποι ειλικρινής 10 προθεσμία Gal iv ε-γκράζεια 22 How shall we understand severally "the things in heaven and "the things in earth and "the things under the earth which shall bow the knee at the name of Jesus Phil ii 10
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