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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1856-1857-344

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THEOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT 345 VIII ntroHuctton to tfje jiffo CftStament Trace the history of the words Canon Apocrypha to their present use In what relation did the Gospel acording to the Hebrews stand to our Gospel of St Matthew What internal evidences does the Gospel of St Matthew supply that it was originally written for Jewish converts Distinguish between the following synonyms -χρόνο and καιρός-δίκτνον άμφίβΧηστρον and σαγήνη-α ώι and κόσμο -όσιο δίκαιο ayvo and καθαρό How did the Hellenistic dialect arise Notice some of its chief features and the further modifications it underwent when employed by Jewish writers How did the allegorical interpretation of the Scriptures grow up To what dangers is it exposed and what limits must be placed upon it IX -Cljf 0SptI of &t iMattiKfo What may we suppose John the Baptist's motive to have been in sending disciples to the Lord with that question-" Art thou He that should come or do we look for another What difficulties seem to attend the ordinary explanation of Matt xi 16-19 By what other explanation may these be avoided How has the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost Matt xii 21 22 been sometimes understood How do you under- stand it Explain the probable allusions to Jewish history contained in our Lord's account of the unclean spirit which went out of the man and returned Matt xii 43-45 Give account of the following words -δαίμων Matt viii 31 -σιΧηνιαζομίνο iv 24 -άν Κ7ότ ρον xi 22 -βαττοΧογίω vi -ίπιονσιο vi 11 -σπεκονΚάτωρ Mark vi 27 What Old Testament parallels have we to our Lord's gene- alogy What difficulties are there in the genealogy as given by St Matthew
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