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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1856-1857-341

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342 THEOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT Show that he present world is peculiarly fit to be state of discipline for our improvement in virtue and piety If upon supposition of Freedom the Evidence of Religion be conclusive it remains so upon supposition of Necessity Show that our ignorance is really satisfactory answer to all objections against the justice and goodness of Providence V- IB Ccstament What was the condition of the Church and people of Israel from the death of Joshua to the time of Eli Give the dates of the Exodus the building of the first Temple the destruction of Samaria the restoration from Babylon the deliverance by Esther and the rise of the Hasmonean family Show from Scripture history and prophecy that God always exercised gracious care over the Gentiles Give an account of the invasion of Pharaoh Necho the route which he probably took and the results to Judah and Egypt Prove from the Books of Samuel Psalms and Proverbs that the Pentateuch was known in the days of Samuel David and Solomon Which was the first translation of the Old Testament When and why made What other early Jewish translations do we possess and what is their value Give an account of early translations made by Christians Give an account of the English translations of the Bible VI -i eb to Point and translate the following verses חזון ישעיהו בן אמוץ אשר חזה על יהודה וירושלם בימי עזיהו יותם אחז יחזקיהו מלכי יהודה ישמעו שמים והאזיני ארץ כי יהדה
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