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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1856-1857-340

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THEOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT 341 et secundum leges condemnatos Itaque ut Antaeum aiunt olini ab Hercule tollendum fuisse Terra matre antequam ab eo posset vinci ita adversarii nostri ab ista matre sua hoc est ab ista inani specie atque umbra ecclesiae quam prae se gerunt le- vandi sunt alioqui non possunt cedere verbo Dei III -Etturgtcal ant 3f5aStoral Ci toIog1 What are the earliest indications of the existence of Creed in the Church When and why were they introduced into the worship of the Church What names were used to describe them The origin and history of Litanies ×– Show that the three orders of Bishops Priests and Deacons were recognised in the Apostolic Church What inferior orders were introduced afterwards What gradations of rank and authority found their way into the order of Bishops Mention the chief ancient Liturgies arranging them in groups exhibiting their relation to each other the Service- books of the Continental Reformers employed in the revision of the English Prayer-book stating what you know of each of them State briefly the chief points of difference between the first and second Prayer-books of King Edward VI Explain the meaning and derivation of the terms Liturgy- Missal-Breviary-Canonical Hours-Collects-Symbolum-Ex- orcist The life of St Cyprian as an example of pastoral activity Write short outline of Sermon on the Parable of the Good Samaritan IV -JSutltr'i Hnalogo Part Point out the analogy between the State of Trial in which religion teaches us we are and our natural state of trial Show that creatures are capable of qualification for new states by habit and distinguish between Active and Passive Habits
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