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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1856-1857-339

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340 THEOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT EXAMINATION FOR CERTIFICATES Easter 1855 -Craniate into Latin 3£roSc Wherefore when thou seest the eyes closed and the mouth compressed and the body motionless think not that that mouth no longer speaks that those eyes no longer see those feet no longer walk but have all turned to corruption Think not this say but quite the contrary For that mouth shall speak better far those eyes shall see greater things those feet shall be lifted up above the clouds and that corruptible body shall put on im- mortality and be most glorious to behold But and if thou mournest over that which thou seest yet say this within thyself This is but the garment he hath put it off that he may take it again more glorious this is the house it is pulled down that it may be raised again in greater beauty Say not He hath perished-he shall be no more for these are the words of un- belief but say He sleepeth and shall rise again -he hath gone away and shall come again with his King Look for him where that King is where the angels are not in the tomb not in the earth lest thou be dragged down to earth thyself while he is raised so far above it II- CiansSlate into 311glisiij Ita pseudoprophetae omnium temporum qui sese prophetis Dei qui Esaiae qui Hieremiae qui Christo qui apostolis oppone- bant nihil unquam aeque crepabant atque nomen ecclesiae neque eos alia de causa ita acerbe lacerabant aut perfugas et apostatas appellabant quam quod sua societate discessissent et instituta majorum non observarent Quod si nos hominum tantum illorum quibus turn ecclesia regebatur judicium sequi aliud autem nihil nec Deum nec ejus verbum spectare volumus negari prorsus non potest apostolos quod pontifieibus et sacer- dotibus hoc est ab ecclesia catholica defecissent et illis invitis et reclamantibus multa in religione innovassent recte fuisse ab illis
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