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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1856-1857-337

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338 THEOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT Give an account of the rise and progress of Monnsticism and the principal orders and the effect upon the Church of the East and the West 10 Give sketch of the history of the English Church during the reign of Henry VIII VII -StotroUucttOH to tlje jirfo Crgtanunt What doubts have been raised in respect of the Canonical authority of the Apocalypse-upon what grounds and sustained by what arguments Show the insufficiency of these Explain the most frequent ways by which various readings have found their way into the text of the New Testament Mention some of the most important various readings there Distinguish between tbe following synonyms nais θ 0ν and νιος 6tov-atjvv6 T0s and acnroi δοί-σχήμα and μορφή-καινός and vIosa Give brief history of the Vulgate What are the arguments for and against the identity of James the son of Alphseus and James the brother of the Lord and Bishop of Jerusalem Which seem to you to prevail What is meant by the analogy of Scripture as that according to which each portion of it must be interpreted VIII ί ί SosSpcI of &t iHattljtto Make such observations on St Matthew's list of Apostles as it and the other parallel lists may suggest Explain Canaanite as applied to Simon and sons of thunder as name given to the sons of Zebedee What perverse interpretation of Matt ix 16 17 has been sometimes proposed Give the correct interpretation of the words Give some account of the Pharisees and Sadducees tracing the rise of these sects Give the derivation of άΰημονΰν Matt xxvi 37 dxt'pator
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