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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1856-1857-336

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THEOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT 337 Give the derivation and various interpretations of and explain the peculiarity of construction here Give the various interpretations of יל1 נ1ך verse רששנו and שוב- ver מתלאה -לחם and explain how they have arisen Give the other expressions for 13א יהש12ש an their origin What anomaly is there in אף ΠίνΠ and why Give other examples How do the verbs "ק ן and ל illustrate the interchange of consonants Translate Mai iv from the English into Hebrew with the points Who is the author of this book What is the internal evidence to show when it was written and how is the subject divided VI -Cijurrij ffifetorg Give an account of the principal early writers of Church History including those of the English Church Give an account of the Church of Alexandria and its most distinguished teachers Who were the persons most distinguished on both sides the Arian Pelagian and Monophysite controversies Give some account of Columba Aidan Theodore of Tarsus Winfrid and Alcuin and the controversies of their times Give an account of the rise and wane of Papal power-and the names and dates of the Popes chiefly instrumental thereto Give an account of the forerunners of the Reformation at home and abroad and the dates of their appearance Give an account of the Augsburg confession and its presentation Give sketch of the history of the Council of Trent
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