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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1856-1857-333

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334 THEOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT inclineth his ear if thou dost not lift up thy neck There is certainly no way so sure of obtaining grace in our supplications as to come in forma pauperis and he most readily finds welcome in the court of heaven who is most readily and most commonly repelled in the courts of earth III iJutltr'i 9naI0g5 airt V£biOtncti 01 Ci £itiantt0 Statf briefly the nature of the argument employed by Butler in the Analogy Show that there is no reason to suppose from the analogy of nature that death destroys the living agent or its power Mention some circumstances which tend to remove the objections usually brought against the doctrine of Divine punish- ment What do you understand by Moral Government Show that we are truly under moral government in the present state How would you state the argument drawn from the life of Christ in favour of Christianity Show the improbability of supposing that the character of our Lord as portrayed in the Gospels was invented by the Evangelists What argument may be based on our Lord's assertion of personal sinlessness on his claim of official greatness IV -C ft Cfgtatiunt What may be inferred from the Book of Genesis as to the state of civilization of the world in the time of Abraham Give the dates of the call of Abraham the Exodus the accession of Saul the destruction of Samaria Nineveh Babylon and the beginning of the 70 years' captivity Show that the Prophets announced two Advents of Messiah one in humility the other in glory Describe the Tabernacle and the principal sacrifices typi- cal of the great Atonement
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