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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1856-1857-329

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schools in union Stmmofo ommerctal sctfjool established 1845 Patrons The Lord Bishop op Rochester The Lord Bishop of Loudon Treasurer Rer Majendie Head Master Eden Cockayne Esq The object of the Promoters of this School is to give sound useful and comprehensive Education in the principles of the Established Church on moderate Terms The course of Instruction comprises the following subjects -The Truths and duties of Christianity Reading Writing Arithmetic English Grammar and Composition History Agricultural Chemistry Natural Philosophy Book-keeping and Geography with the use of the Globes terms For Boarders under years of age 20 Guineas per Ann 22 above 10 24 Day Scholars Guinea per Quarter or Guineas per Ann under years 12 6d per Quarter For Greek Latin French Mathematics including Land- Surveying and Drawing Ā£2 2s per Annum each Vacations of Five Weeks at Midsummer and at Christmas
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