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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1856-1857-303

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DONORS OF THE FIRST CLASS 303 Ā£ Glenville Thomas Esq 100 Glyn Sir Richard Carr Bart Arlington-street 110 Goderich Frederick John Viscount 100 Goodall Rev Joseph Provost of Eton College 100 Gosling lid Esq 67 Lowndes-square 100 Gosling Esq Fleet-street 120 Gosling Esq 1071 Gray Right Rev Dr Lord Bishop of Bristol 100 Greenaway Edw Esq 28 Bishopsgate-street 100 Greenwood Chat Esq Old Brampton 100 Grenville William Wyndham Lord 110 Grote Geo Esq Threadneedle-street 100 Balford Sir Henry Bart 10 Curzonslreet 100 Hanbury Robert Esq Brick-lane Spitalfields ICO Hankey Thos Esq Fenchurch-street 245 Harman Esq Adam's-court Old Broad-street 100 Harrison Ben Esq Clapham-common 110 Harrowby The Earl of 39 Grosvenor-square in right of 120 presented by Dudley Ryder Earl of Harrowby deceased Harvey Mrs Ickwelbury near Biggleswade 100 Headland Esq Guilford-street 100 Heale Rev Womboume Wolverhampton 100 Heathcote Sir Bart Hursley Lodge Hants 100 Henley The Lord 230 Hoare Messrs Fleet-street 300 Hoare Sir Hugh Richard Bart in right of 300 presented by Sir Henry Hugh Hoare Bart deceased Hoare Esq Fleet-street 100 Hodgson Frederick Esq Carlton-gardens 110 Holford Robert Esq Bolton-street 100 Holland Henry Esq 46 Montague-square 100 Hope Thomas Esq Deepdene near Dorking 100 Hopton Rev Kemerton Court Gloucestershire 125 Hornby Joseph Esq Liverpool 100 Hotham the Lord Hill-street 100 Howe The Earl South Audley-street 325 Bowleg Most Reverend Dr Lord Archbishop of Canterbury 1250 Hubbard Jn Esq 24 Princes-gate 100 Hughes Rev Dr St Paul's 200 Humfrey Rev John Wroxham Norfolk 120 Huntingford Right Rev Dr Lord Bishop of Hereford 100 1111th Fred Esq 33 Upper Harley-street 100 Inglis Right Hon Sir Bart Bedford-square 151 10 Ireland Very Rev Dr Dean of Westminster 1100 Irving John Esq Richmond-terrace 100 Jelf Rev King's College London in right of 120 presented by the late Archdeacon Cambridge Jenkinson Rt Rev Dr Lord Bishop of St David's 200
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