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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1856-1857-243

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EVENING CLASSES 243 VII Ubemng lasses WINTER COURSE 1856-7 Classes for Evening Instruction will be held during the months from November to March inclusive commencing on Monday October 27 There will be Vacation of four weeks at Christmas The following will be the subjects taught Latin Greek French German English Language and Composition English History Mathematics including Algebra Euclid Differential Calculus and with special appli- cation to the Theory of Probabilities and to Life Assurance Arithmetic and Book-keeping Geography Political and Physical Banking and Commercial Law Life Fire and Marine Insurance Drawing Landscape Figure Model and Architectural Practical Mechanics The Elements of Chemistry The Old Testament The New Testament If Six Gentlemen should not enter to any one of the above Classes within fortnight of the opening of the Course it is probable that that particular Class would be discontinued and the Fees returned If any number of Gentlemen not less than Ten shall wish for instruction in any subject not named in this list arrange- meuts will if possible be made to meet their wishes The College will be open for these Lectures every even- ing from 30 to 30 Saturday excepted The following will be the Fees For any single Course except the Scripture Classe3 Ā£1 11 6d The Scripture Classes will be free to all Students attending any other Course
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