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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1856-1857-221

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221 Section XIII SCHOLARSHIPS Good conduct regular attendance at Chapel and com- petent knowledge of such subjects in Divinity as shall be previously fixed upon are indispensable for the admission of any Student or Pupil to be candidate for Scholarship in this College Every Scholarship is held subject to forfeiture for mis- conduct In case there should be no candidate of sufficient merit in any year the Scholarship of that year will not be awarded Any Scholar desirous of obtaining Certificate of having gained Scholarship may obtain the same from the Secretary on payment of the fee prescribed by the Council The Scholarships are paid quarterly and the amount due may be applied for in the Secretary's office any day succeed- ing the second Friday in the months of January April July and October JFtret CIas0 gcljolarsljtps Two Scholarships each year of Ā£30 each tenable for three years These Scholarships are open to all Pupils who having been four complete Terms in the School were not eighteen years of age on the 1st of January preceding the election One Scholarship to be given for proficiency in Classics an Examination in tbe first three Books of Euclid in Arithmetic and in Algebra as far as Simple Equations having first been satisfactorily passed The other Scholarship to be given for proficiency in Mathe- matics an Examination in one Latin and one Greek author or in the case of Pupils of the Modern Instruction Division one Latin and one German author to be fixed by the Head Master having first been satisfactorily passed These two Scholarships are tenable together
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