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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1856-1857-220

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220 THE SCHOOL in german Three Prizes in each Term one for the Division of Classics &c and two for the Division of Modern Instruction to the best German Scholars but no boy can gain more than one Prize in the same Academical year in french Six Prizes are awarded in each Term one to the best boy in each Class of the first division but no boy can gain Prize twice in the same division The name of the best boy in each Class of the Second division will be honourably mentioned at the Public Distribution -It is distinctly to be understood that miscon- duct during any part of an academical year will sub- ject boy to the forfeiture of his prize SUBJECTS FOR PRIZE VERSES AND ESSAYS 1857 Latin Hexameters -Pax in terras redux English 7erse -Luther Latin Essay -Omnes artes quae ad humanitatem pertinent habent quoddam commune vinculum Cic Greek Iambics -Translate Milton's Samson Agonistes- Occasions drew me early who stood without English Essay -What historical events what individuals and what inventions have exercised the greatest influence upon nations and society The English Verse must not be less than one hundred lines in length nor more than one hundred and fifty The Exercises must all be delivered to the Secretary of King's College before o'clock on Saturday May 30 1857 after which hour no exercise will be received The Author is required to conceal his name and to distin- guish his Composition by some motto sending at the same time his name sealed up under cover bearing the same motto
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