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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1856-1857-207

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THE SCHOOL 207 Upper Sixth Class -Rev Major -Thucydides Plato Demosthenes Greek Tragedians Horace Livy Juvenal Tacitus Cicero &c Section II -division of modern instruction The object in view in this Division is to prepare Pupils for general and mercantile pursuits for the Departments of Engineering Architecture Civil Service and Military Science in the College for the Military Academies at Woolwich Sandhurst and Addiscombe and for the Royal Navy and the Commercial Marine The regular course of Instruction in this division includes Divinity Latin Algebra Euclid Arithmetic and Writing English Literature History and Composition Modern History and Geography French and German including Conversation and Correspondence Geometrical Drawing Landscape Drawing including Landscape in Pencil and Water Colour Perspective from Plans and Elevations and from Objects Architectural Tinting and Drawing from Models in chalk Separate Classes are also formed so as to give special extra Instruction to boys preparing for any of the following viz Commercial pursuits Military and Naval studies Engineering and Architecture Pupils in this Division take corresponding rank with those in the Division of Classics Mathematics and General Literature This Division is placed under the general direction of the Rev John Fearnley Vice-Master of King's College School assisted by the Rev William Webster Carr Esq and by the Mathematical Arithmetical French German and Drawing Masters Progressive course of Study Second Class -Cornelius Nepos Latin Exercises History Geography Elements of Chemistry English Composi-
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