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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1856-1857-201

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military department 201 II Occasional Students The different Classes in this Department are likewise open to any Gentlemen whose occu- pations may not allow them to attend the whole of the Course but who may wish to avail themselves of the opportunity of studying any particular subject Separate Class for Officers of her Majesty's and the Honourable East India Company's Service has been esta- blished See below Section officers' class This Class is established for the professional and general instruction of the Junior Officers of Her Majesty's and the Honourable East India Company's Service The subjects of instruction are Vide Confidential Memo- RANDUM Horse Guards July 1851 γ ees per term £ rf History and Geography Practical Geometry Mensuration and Plane Trigonometry Surveying and Reconnoitring Plan Drawing Fortification Manufacture of Ordnance Combustibles &c Gunnery Con- struction of Field Works and Bridges Forms and Proceedings of Courts Martial Military Law Major Griffiths gives his personal superintendence to Officers attending this Class on Monday Thursday and Saturday from 10J to 12£ but the Drawing Room is open daily from 10 to to those wishing to make use of it The other Classes in this Department are open to any Officer who may wish to attend more than the above specified subjects For the Fees to he paid see above Section VI THE ASSOCIATESHIP Students whose general conduct has been satisfactory who have been regular in their attendance at Chapel and at
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