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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1856-1857-195

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MEDICAL DEPARTMENT 195 Candidates who may not have been able to attend the practice of an asylum for the insane nr of an ophthalmic hospital for three months previous to their offering themselves for examination will not be excluded from examination but will if successful in obtaining recommendation for appointments be required to produce certificates of having attended such practice during the interval between the Examination and the time of proceeding to India certificate of having attended course of lectures on Midwifery and of having conducted at least six labours certificate of having acquired practical knowledge of Cupping Candidates may also at their option send in certificates of attendance at any hospitals or on any courses of lectures in addition to the above Attend- ance on course of military surgery and the practical study of surgical opera- tions on the dead body are recommended The examination wiil include the following subjects Surgery in all its departments Medicine including the Diseases of Women and Children Therapeutics Pharmacy and Hygiene Anatomy and Physiology including Comparative ן Anatomy See subsequent paper Natural History including Botany and Zoology The following are the books recommended in- Zoology and Comparative Anatomy- Outlines of the Structure of the Animal Kingdom by Rymer Jones Cours Elementaire d'Histoire Naturelle par Milne Edwards Botany- Lindley's School Botany Lindley's Elements of Botany The examination will be conducted- By means of written questions and answers By object examinations and experiments when the subject admits of such tests By practical examination of patients and by operations on the dead body 4- By viva voce examination The persons who shall be pronounced by the Examiners to be the best qualified in all respects will be appointed to fill the requisite number of ap- pointments as Assistant-Surgeons in the East India Company's setvice and so far as the requirements of the service will permit they will have the choice of the Presidency in India to whicli they shall be appointed according to the order of merit in which they stand on the list resulting from such examination All Assistant-Surgeons are required to subscribe to the military or medical and medical retiring funds at the Presidencies to which they may be respectively appointed and to the Military Orphan Society also if appointed to Bengal All Assistant-Surgeons who shall neglect or refuse to proceed to India under Ν
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