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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1856-1857-190

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190 MEDICAL DEPARTMENT as an Apothecary in England or Wales can give Ms apprentice legal title to examination unless he is himself legally qualified to practise as an Apothecary either by having been in practice prior to or on the 1st of August 1815 or by having received certificate of his qualification from the Court of Examiners An apprenticeship for not less than five years to Surgeons practising as Apo- thecaries in Ireland and Scotland gives to the apprentice title to be admitted to examination Of having attained the full age of twenty-one years As evidence of age copy of the baptismal register will be required in every case where it can possibly be procured Of good moral conduct testimonial of moral character from the gentleman to whom the Candidate has been an apprentice wfill always be more satisfactory than from any other person And of having pursued Course of Medical Study in conformity with the Regula- tions of the Court Course of Study Every Candidate whose attendance on Lectures shall commence on or after the 1st of October 184-9 must attend the following Lectures and Medical Practice during not less than three "Winter and two Summer Sessions each Winter Session to consist of not less than six months and to commence not sooner than the 1st nor later than the 15th October and each Summer Session to extend from the 1st of May to the 31st of July eirst year Winter Session Chemistry Anatomy and Physiology Anatomical Demonstrations Summer Session Materia Medica and Therapeutics Botany and Vege- table Physiology Midwifery and Diseases of Women and Children second teak Winter Session -Anatomy and Physiology Anatomical Demonstrations Dissections Principles and Practice of Medicine Medical Practice Summer Session -Medical Practice Midwifery and Diseases of Women and Children Forensic Medicine Practical Chemistry third year Winter Session -Morbid Anatomy and Clinical Medicine Dissections Principles and Practice of Medicine Medical Practice Practical Midwifery at any time after the conclusion of the first Course of Midwifery Lectures The above course of study may be extended over longer period than three Twelve months of the Medical Practice must be at recognised Hospital ind six months at recognised Hospital or recognised Dispensary By Practical Chemistry is meant specific Course of Instruction in the Laboratory with an opportunity of Personal Manipulation in the ordinary Pro- cesses of Chemistry and of acquiring knowledge of the various Re-agents for Poisons
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