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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1856-1857-174

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174 medical department Howlett Frederick ן Way John Junior Scholars Whitford Antony Hadow Edward Ash Daniell Scholar 1855 Lawrence George William Senior Scholar Way John Second Year Scholar Watson William Spencer ן Meeres Edward Evan Junior Scholars Tonge Morris 1856 Way John Senior Scholar Tonge Morris Second YearScholar Εaston John Atchley George Frederick Junior Scholars Harley John Section XXI Names of those to tchom the Prizes and Certificates of Honour for the Summer Session Ί854-55 and the Winter Session Ί855-56 ere distri buted at the Public Distribution on Saturday May 10 1856 His Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury in the Chair Prizes and Certificates gained in the Summer Session 1854-55 Botany Watson William Spencer Prize Tonge Morris Certificates of Honour Sansom Arthur Ernest Materia Medica Tonge Morris Prize Meeres Edward Evan ן τ Certificates of Honour Spencer Henry Banks
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