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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1856-1857-155

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MEDICAL DEPARTMENT 155 tonu ear Scljolatsfitps One in each year of £30 tenable for Two Tears These Scholarships are open to all Matriculated Students of this Department being also Perpetual Pupils of the Hospital who have completed their second Winter Session but have not exceeded their third Academical Year This Scholarship can be held only so long as the Student continues to attend Lectures as Matriculated Student at King's College junior £f 10I3rsf tpe Three in each year of £20 tenable for Two Tears All Matriculated Students of this Department who are also Perpetual Pupils of the Hospital may compete for these Scholarships at the close of their first Winter Session These Scholarships can be held only so long as the Scholar continues to attend Lectures as Matriculated Student at King's College Latin forms portion of this Examination Any Scholar of this Department gaining Scholarship of higher value than the one he holds resigns ipso facto the Scholarship of less value The Divinity pass Examinations for these Scholarships will take place on Wednesday March 18 1857 The following will be the subjects of Examination Senior Scholarship The First and Second Books of Kings The Gospel according to St Luke Second-Tear Scholarship The First and Second Books of Kings The Gospel according to St Mark
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