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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1856-1857-149

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MEDICAL DEPARTMENT 149 any Candidate who does not obtain an aggregate of at least 300 marks These Scholarships may be held for three years provided the Scholar continues so long attending Lectures in the Medical Department at King's College and provided he shall produce to the Council at the close of his First and Second Academical Year respectively Certificate signed by the Principal the Chaplain and the Dean of the Medical Depart- ment of good conduct of regular attendance on the daily Chapel Service and the Divinity Lectures and Exa- minations and of satisfactory progress in his Religious and Medical studies during the year then past The Scholarship will become void at the close of the Academical Year in which such Certificate is not obtained Every Warneford Scholar of this Class is required to com- pete for the ordinary Medical Scholarships of his year and the Dean's Certificate of progress in Medical studies will be made dependent upon his getting an aggregate of one-half the marks assigned to the several papers in that examination These Scholarships are tenable with any other King's College Scholarship The subjects for examination for the two Scholarships to be given in October 1856 will be as follows Divinity -The Book of Genesis The Historical Chapters of the Books of Exodus and Numbers The Gospel according to St John The Church Catechism with Scripture proofs The Greek and Latin Classics -Homer Iliad Book VI Sallust Jugurthine War English Language and History -The Spectator The Reign of Queen Elizabeth Mathematics -Arithmetic Algebra as far as Quadratic Equations Euclid Book Book II except Props 10 Book III
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