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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1856-1857-139

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MEDICAL DEPARTMENT 139 Descriptive Anatomy General Anatomy and Physiology Medical Second Winter chemistry ν Practical Session 1N Principles and Practice Anatomy of Medicine Principles and Practice of Surgery and Surgical Practice of the Hospital and Medical and Surgical Clinical Lectures Lectures and Surgical Practice of theHospital and Medical and Surgical Clinic-al Medical Chemistry Fourth Year Medical and Surgical Hospital Practice The Student who follows this Course of study in the order here laid down will qualify himself for examination at the College of Surgeons at the Society of Apothecaries at the University of London or at the College of Physicians in London The University of Edinburgh requires that one year out of the four shall be spent in Edinburgh Students are recommended in accordance with the regula- tions of the Society of Apothecaries to give especial atten- tion to the study of Morbid Anatomy in their Second Summer and Third Winter Sessions Students who are intended for the Medical Service of the Army and Navy must attend three Courses of Medicine and three Courses of Surgery and should therefore attend in addition to the Courses prescribed above Course of each in the Fourth Winter Session The Army Medical Board re- quires also course of Logic and of Natural Philosophy which should be attended in the first half of the third or fourth Winter Session The regulations of the College of Surgeons require six months of Practical Pharmacy
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