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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1856-1857-121

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medical department 121 Materia Medica and Therapeutics In this Course an account is given of the natural history chemical composition and mode of action of the Substances used as Medicines The Lectures are illustrated by Experiments by the Drugs aud Pharmaceutical Preparations presented to King's College by the Society of Apothecaries and by the late Sir Henry Halford Bart by coloured drawings of Plants by the Her- baria of King's College and by the Collections of the Professor Collection of Materia Medica has been formed expressly for the use of Students VI Principles and Practice of Surgery This Course is illustrated by Preparations Models Casts and Drawings and by recent Specimens of the effects of surgical disease or injury general view is first given of the doctrines or principles of Surgery these are next applied in practical manner to the consideration of Injuries and Surgical Diseases of Textures and Regions The Course comprises series of Lectures on Surgical Anatomy and Operative Surgery To these Lectures belongs the large collection of Diagrams and Casts presented to the College by Green Esq and Professor Fergusson VII Principles and Practice of Medicine The Lectures on the Principles and Practice of Medicine are exemplified by Preparations Drawings and Models and by recent Specimens of diseased structure On account of the great extent of the subjects embraced in this Course some of them are treated of only in alternate years VIII Midwifery and the Diseases of Women and Children These Lectures are illustrated by series of Drawings Dissections and Preparations Practical instruction is given in the use of Instruments and cases of Midwifery are assigned to Pupils after attending their first Course
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