Calendar: 1855-1856 Page 85
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GENERAL LITERATURE AND SCIENCE 81 junior £rf 01arsf tps Two in each year of £20 each tenable for Two Years These Scholarships are open To all Matriculated Students of this Department who have not completed five Terms either in this Depart- ment or in this Department and in that of the Applied Sciences taken together And To all Pupils of King's College School or of one of the Schools in union with the College who have been two years in such School and have attained the age of six- teen Such Candidates however if successful must immediately matriculate at the College One of these Scholarships will be given for proficiency in Classics and the other for proficiency in Mathematics All Candidates coming under the head must have passed satisfactorily the terminal Examination held at the preceding Christmas in every one of the subjects presented for the re- gular work of this Department including French or German according to standing This rule will apply even in the case of Student exempted by the Principal from attendance on any one of the Lectures All coming under the head must pass the following pre- liminary Examinations If Candidates for the Classical Scholarship in Divinity viz the Book of Genesis and in the Gospel of St Matthew in the first three books of Euclid in Arith- metic and in Algebra as far as Simple Equations If Candidates for the Mathematical Scholarship in Divi- nity subjects as before mentioned in Homer Iliad and in Virgil iEneid These two Scholarships are tenable together and can be held only so long as the Scholar continues to attend lectures as Matriculated Student of the College Student holding Junior Scholarship resigns the same should he succeed in gaining Senior Scholarship
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