Calendar: 1855-1856 Page 46
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42 ANNUAL REPORT APRIL 1855 will be able under the arrangements made with her Majesty's Government to resume their occupation in the College soon after the commencement of the next Winter Session The Council have felt it their duty to respond to the direct appeal made to them by the War Office and have given tern- porary leave of absence to two of their Officers for the purpose of joining the Civil Hospitals established or about to be established at Smyrna and other places in the East They have also recommended for employment several old Pupils and they cannot doubt that those educated in the principles of this College will be amongst the foremost in meeting the dangers and privations of the Army in the Crimea In the summer of last year the Council were deprived of the services of their very eminent Professor of Botany Edward Forbes Esq who resigned his office on being appointed by her Majesty Regius Professor of Natural History in theUni- versity of Edinburgh In accepting Mr Forbes' resignation the Council deemed it right to elect him an Honorary Fellow of the College and to put on record their deep regret at being deprived of the services of Professor whose name had added new lustre to English science and whose services had for twelve years been steadily and increasingly valuable in his immediate relation to the Students of King's College It was at that time little thought that within few weeks the re- turn of disease incurred in the pursuit of science would carry him to his grave The Council rejoice to learn that the friends of so eminent man are anxious to perpetuate his memory within these walls by presenting marble bust to be placed in the large Hall Mr Arthur Henfrey has been elected Professor of Botany Major Moore and the Honourable William Leslie Melville having each of them most kindly placed at the disposal of the Council Nomination to au Assistant Surgeoncy in the Honourable East India Company's Service to be awarded not more for professional distinction than for personal character Mr William Pearl and Mr James Howard Thornton have been accordingly recommended and appointed
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